Be aware of the social media's impacts"You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful."-Amy Bloom
If you acknowledge the fact that social media does impact the way you feel about yourself, you'll understand a bit more. When you're feeling down or negative toward your body, remind yourself that its mostly a misrepresentation molded by the media by which you are influenced.
Monitor your amount of media intake
Once you limit some of the nonsense clouding your mind, you will be able to review your own thoughts. By watching only one less hour of TV or choosing an activity other than surfing social media sites, you will be making an enormous difference for the good of yourself.
Stop comparing
"Comparison is the thief of joy."
-Theodore Roosevelt
No two people are the same and it is impossible an exact--and most of the time, similar--look. You were blessed with yours, so why should you want to look like anyone else? Instead of paying attention to bad attributes about yourself and comparing them to everyone else, remind yourself that they are not perfect, nobody is.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
The only person that can judge you is you. You determine your beauty and you deserve to be at peace with your body, so let it happen. Know that expectations cannot be make when it comes to your appearance.
Read more: What is beauty?
Focus on the positives
"There are flowers everywhere, for those who bother to look."
-Henri Matisse
Instead of obsessing about all of the things you dislike about yourself, focus on the good. Think about your good attributes no matter what they are. Everyone has some sort of beauty which comes in all ways, shapes and forms.
Let go of perfection
Perfect is just a silly word, its not real. You are not perfect, you are flawed, but that's OK; flaws are what create beauty. All human beings were created to be flawed. And you are a human being. You are not perfect, you are real.
Stay off your scale
Our bodies are much more complex than a simple number. Factors such as body type, pelvic structure and tendon length play a large role in your total body weight. People seem to base their appearance on a silly number, but you are much more than a silly number.
Read more: You're Not A Number: Why The Scale Doesn't Matter
Surround yourself with positivity
A majority of the negativity people have toward their bodies comes from outside influences, such as the media. By surround yourself with influences that lighten your mood or way of thinking you're not only defeating negative influences, but you're creating an enjoyable environment, and a happier you.
Choose positive role models
One way to begin to surround yourself with positivity is to be choosy about the people you look up to. Instead of paying attention to people like Miley Cyrus -- who emphasize body image and exploit women -- use that time toward someone that motivates you or makes your feel good about yourself.
Avoid Dieting
Dieting creates numerous harmful effects. It can increase stress levels, exhaustion and difficulty concentrating and can lead more serious problems such as to eating disorders, heart disease and even death.
Read more: Diet Dangers: Why Dieting Is Harmful
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