"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are."
-Marilyn Monroe

Monday, March 31, 2014

What Is Beauty?

Beauty is something that is defined by personal views; it may be different from person to person. So why is the media turning it into something with standards? Why does some kind of ideal have to be met when it comes to beauty?

The problem today is that we, as a community, have become overly opinionated when it comes to this simple term. All of a sudden there is an actual set definition of what beauty should look like. Who set this definition and why should they be able to set it?

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
Indeed it originally was, and should be, but it has turned into something different, something evil. It has turned into something unhealthy, which is actually quite sad. People, young girls and boys, adult men, older women, adolescents, people of every shape and form are beginning to conform to the idea that there is a set standard for beauty. This set standard is called perfection, which leads people into thinking that if they try hard enough, they can reach this ideal. This is called perfectionism, and it's truly hurting society.

We have become a society run by the set ideals of the media. Why? It's difficult to answer, but it's not hard to say that it's crippling. These standards are only getting higher and if we don't do something to slow it down, who knows what the future of beauty will be. It's certain that we need to come together and take back beauty; we need to stand up to these high ideals and overcome these incredible standards.

Beauty is in everything.. everyone. Laughter, smiles, happiness, joy, atmosphere; you can find it anywhere. Beauty is everywhere, you just have to open your eyes.

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